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Stone products
Archaize stone
fish tank / stone runnel
Archaize animal sculpture
Embrace drum stone
Mount stone
marble lamp
millstone / Hammer cloth stone
Archaize statue
Archaize Tables and chairs
Archaize stone pillar bottom
horse / Terra-Cotta Warriors
Tsing lung white tiger Rosefinch xuanwu
Archaize stone lion sculpture
Archaize stone elephant
Archaize stone horse sculpture
Archaize sculpture dragon nine son
American mantels
column mantels
floral mantels
french mantels
modern mantels
roman mantels
statuary mantels
Electric Fireplace
Factory of mantel picture
European sculpture
European sculpture masterwork
European Four seasons god sculpture
European statue
European stone lamp statue
European man statue, warriors statue
European women statue
European statue fountain
Cherub statue,children statue
Wall sculpture
lions head sculpture
Indoor of European sculpture
Archaize European sculpture
European tombstone sculpture
European bust
European stone bust
celebrity bust
Buddha sculpture
High quality Buddha sculpture
White marble Buddha sculpture
Limestone Buddha sculpture
Buddha head sculpture
Buddaha Hand sculpture
Stone arhat sculpture
Stone tianwang sculpture
Buddha relief sculpture
Terra cotta army sculpture
other Buddha sculpture
Stone animals
Stone lion
European stone lion
Mythological beasts
stone deer / birds
Stone horse
Stone cattle
Stone elephant
stone fish,Stone carving dolphin
Stone 12 Chinese sculpture
Other animal sculpture
Stone reliefs
stone flower relief
Garden sculpture stone reliefs
Nine-dragon Screen stone relief
Stone fountain
European stone fountain
feng shui ball
wall fountain
Stone pool
Stone summerhouse,Stone corridor
European stone summerhouse
chinese summerhouse
Stone corridor,pergola trellis
Flower pot
European flowerpot
Traditional flowerpot
Stone column
Stone roman column
Dragon stone column
Stone vase column,balcony guardrail
Hollow Rome column
stone base,Small Roman column
Railing, stone bridge, ShengQiTai
Stone bridge
stone shengqitai
stone railing processing field
stone table chair
chinese table and chair
European stone table
European stone chair
Landscape stone
Red landscape stone
Xuelang landscape stone
white landscape stone
Taihu landscape stone
Chinese style tombstone
Metal Products
Copper statue
Copper Buddha
Pummerin,Copper censer
European copper statue
chinese copper statue
Copper animal sculpture
Copper lion sculpture
Copper horse sculpture
Copper cattle sculpture, Wall Street cattle
Copper qilin sculpture
Copper elephant
Copper dragon
Iron product
Iron summerhouse pergola
Iron fireplace
Iron dustbin
Iron lamp,Iron Streetlamp
Iron rail,Iron handrail
Iron table and chair
cast iron production workshop
Other metal
Copper fountain
copper relief
Stainless steel sculpture
Landscape stainless steel sculpture
Mr. Liu ( manager) Tel:86-0312-4310806 Mobile:0086-13932225304 Fax:0086-0571-81131235 E-amil:china@zifandiaosu.com
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garden sculpture / City sculpture , Archaize stone , fish tank / stone runnel , Embrace drum stone , Mount stone , marble lamp , millstone / Hammer cloth stone , Archaize statue , Archaize anaglyph/ desks and chairs , horse / Terra-Cotta Warriors , Tsing lung white tiger Rosefinch xuanwu , other , Fireplace , American mantels , column mantels , floral mantels , french mantels , modern mantels , overmantels , roman mantels , statuary mantels , Electric Fireplace , Factory of mantel picture , West carving , European bust , Buddha sculpture , Stone animals , Stone lion , European stone lion , Mythological beasts , stone deer / birds , Stone horse , Stone elephant , Stone cattle , Stone 12 Chinese sculpture , Other animal sculpture , Stone reliefs , Fountain , Stone fountain ,feng shui ball , wall fountain , Stone pool , Stone pavilion , wrought iron summerhouses , Hex bower , Flower pot , marble pillar , breast board , stone table and chair , Landscape stone , tombstone , Bronze statue , Bronze animals , Iron , Stainless steel , Other metal